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Ancestors of the vikings, - who they?

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Ancestors of the vikings, - who they? "... At them swords from the Country of the hunnus... " From verses of the court poet of a middle Ages

   Having read this clause, you learn(find out), that:

Original culture of the vikings including and combining skythian animal style (from the alanians) from the snakes-dragons by subjects in applied art (from the Asian hunnus) testify to complex(difficult) historical destiny of the people.

 The comparison of the facts of "biography" of western hunnus and prompts another (not of the svearian) people - ancestor of the vikings about identity of these peoples. The conclusion is made on the data of the analysis of a history of these warlike tribes and archaeologic data

The heritage of authority of the women (from savromatian - sarmatian - alanians) at the vikings is confirmed by(with) archaeologic materials.

Amazon from a Priazov'e knew to itself the price and were able to stand for itself, but then all has bothered to them (facilities(economy) "has knocked down", probably) and the historical development has received a powerful push below than back..., exciting epoch of Great resettlement of the peoples all Europe and Northern Africa, was found by(with) the continuation in north of Europe.



    Clause - wholly in a channel of a working hypothesis of a site. The interested support from the past very much has helped me. I did not hope for such good luck at all...  

The code name of clause: "A Gift to the English queen by anniversary of government ";))

About a sword of the vikings. This proof of the validity of a working hypothesis of a site in a part of genesis of the alanians, hunnus -alanians and their discendants. The working hypothesis, permits old riddles, but puts forward   new by him(it) on change.

Chronology of western hunnus on Gumilev [3]   is involved(attracted) for search " the Countries of the hunnus " and for a substantiation of genesis of the vikings.

Failure in time   (without the comments while)  

Gotland the carved stone is described quality of the archaeologic proof etnogenezis (history of an origin) vikings.

About the heroes of the hunnus (hunnus - alanians, for accuracy). The communication(connection) kenotafs (burial places without skeletons) in a district Vendel to north from Stockholm and nearby to Valsgard with fight of the hunnus with the incorporated forces of Europe on Catalun to plain (Orlean, Paris) is proved.

Stone from Yelling this one more archaeologic proof etnogenezis (history of an origin) vikings (with thin humour of ancestors of the vikings).

The dark blue snakes has entangled and presses the next European king in an image leon.

Language borrowings of the German language with "female" logic. A modest beginning of a linguistic substantiation of a working hypothesis for this branch of discendants of the alanians.

About the ships of the vikings.   the Page is developed...

Opinion of the foreign colleagues about mysterious destiny of the people of Scandinavia.

" On an extent almost thousand years, up to a great campaign begun approximately in 800 year AD, from the Scandinavian ports sailed of court in searches of the markets, production and grounds on coast of the Baltic sea and Northern Atlantic. The historians till now argue, why this thin brook suddenly has turned to the mighty river. If to trust vikings, the reason - about which tell them runy stones - consist in draft to glory and riches. " [Page 53, 1].

I from the party of an opener would add to the reasons inexhaustible vital energy and patalogic a heavy heredity of discendants passionaryan of the hunnus and alanians.  

About a sword of the vikings. The Scandinavian swords are similar on Russian (slavic). This type of the weapon of near fight in opinion of archaeologymen was generated in Western and Average Europe to VIII to century. Let's consider, why this similarity could turn out.

        Scandinavia. Time of campaigns of the vikings. In fear all coastal cities of Europe. And in the poetic description of life the soldier of the generous master of this period we find the mysterious citation: // they the swords from the Country of the hunnus and beautiful women from east bathe in luxury, // At them; // their hearts in an anticipation of close fight Are pleased, // they are easy on rise, their hands are torn to sculles...  

     In what enigmatic? In these swords from the Country of the hunnus. The empire of the hunnus was disorganized in middle V of century, and the epoch of the vikings begins with VII of century... Unless the citation is not surprising? And where she(it) this Country of the hunnus? And why suddenly Russian swords so are similar with scandinavian, what even the professionals confuse them? " Blacksmith Ludota " on the Scandinavian sword is unless not a discomfiture?

        Chronology of western hunnus on Gumilev. [3]      

160 - first mention of the hunnus for the south of Russia Dionisij Perieget;

175-182 - the mention of the hunnus repeats Ptolemey. The reconstruction of cards Ptolemey with localization of the peoples of Northern Prichernomorie can be looked at me on a site, the tribe of the hunnus between the bastarnians and roksolanians is located in present Pridneprovskie sand;

360 - war of the hunnus with gotian-alanian union maintained by Byzantiy;

400 - output(exit) of the hunnus on Danube;

405 - intrusion of the hunnus Rodagajs in Italy;

412 - Byzantian embassy in the rate of the leaders of the hunnus in Prichernomorie;

430 - output(exit) of the hunnus on Rhine;

434 - death of the leader of the hunnus Rigul, transition of authority to Atilla and Bleda;

445 - murder Bleda of Atillas, attack on Balkan, the hunnus have reached Second Rome;

451- hunnus have reached Orlean and are stopped in battle on Katalunskoj to plain. Death of bogatyrs of the hunnus;

452- intrusions of the hunnus into Italy, the valley of the river On. By the Roman emperor Feodosyj II is plundered the repayment to the extortion Atilla for a leaving(care) from the country is paid.

453-454 - death Atilla disorder of empire of the hunnus;

463-468 - war of the hunnus with Gotha. A diversion Dengizih in Southern Panonia, withdrawal(waste) in steppe Podneprovia;

469 - rout of the leader of the hunnus Dengizih by the alanians Aspars.

On chronology is seen, that during 200 years with 160 for 360 years the hunnus with the alanians were friends and, probably, entered into an army of alanian union of the tribes. After ten years' war, having plundered and having replaced the alanians in the chapter of multibreeding union the hunnus became numerous and are strong. Their material base and the human reserves were in the bottom current of Volga, Don, Dnieper, and the rate of the leaders till 412 years was in steppes of Prichernomorie (Pridneprovskie sand?!). It more than half of century from a beginning of war with the alanians! ((412-360) =52 years). And more than two centuries from the moment of localization them Ptolemey ((412-182) =230 years). After wars and robberies on all Europe in current ((468-412) =56 years) have receded the hunnus all the same in steppe at Dniepers.  

After such analysis two decisions arise: or to consider(count) as the Country of the hunnus all Europe, or to be limited to steppes of Prichernomorie. I offer to accept the second decision.

From here conclusion, that swords of the hunnus (and then best Scandinavian) the swords were forged in the south of East Europe, and were tested in "business" and were applied on purpose(assignment) in Western and Average Europe, where they and are found by(with) archaeologymen.

To mark(aim) the warrior addressed on a name. [page 456, 2] the Sword was for him(it) not only friend, but also as though favourite girlfriend... It is not simple the weapon, but also divine thing from skythian times. [page 461, 2]... A sword - companion of true warriors executed of courage and military honour.  

So, the swords of the best warriors of the king of the vikings were not differently as from the Country of the hunnus! And as the swords were also the property of a sort and were transferred by right of succession from the father to the son, we have the right to assume, that they are received by the vikings from the hunnus and from the Country of the hunnus.

There was only one "damned" question of chronology. (800-469=331 year). The hunnus have passed into oblivion, and the discendants transferred them even more of three centuries, through eleven generations from the father to the son eternal and bewitch (not differently!) swords from the Country of the hunnus.

The same failure in time we notice and in Russian history.

About similarity to Russian swords, I think, to guess not difficultly: our poljanians and "rekomaja Rus" just from these places, or absolutely neighbours, if also not the relatives "on a parent line ".

Gotland a carved stone.

Gotland a carved stone










Fig. 1 Gotland a carved stone. My treatment: In symbols myth - were on a stone is displayed process of transition from the people - всадников to the people - мореходов. Something similar was and at the rusies, only they have more against snake motives, and at the vikings the mania on love to the snakes is direct. Look, even here, on a stone similar falos, on a contour an ornament from the bound snakes.

And on top of a stone the appointment the Snake Gorynych (horseman) with lady - (hero of the hunnus with the woman of the alanians) is represented. At the horseman, by the way, the board with " solar (slavic) pagan is familiar " - "posolony" (on the sun) rolling fiery wheel. The horse of breed from the hunnus with the small "snake" head, and in hands of the horseman a pole large, and from a pole still imitation the snake hangs down - the tail is shown, truth, only. The woman of the alanians has taken for a bridle of the horse, of the snakes and has hung, as it(he) finishes at movement of the horse with the horseman. Below than horse, not differently(otherwise), city of plundered Europe. And the ship with the refugees from a hostile environment of central Europe is even lower - is floating downwards on the rivers in Baltic, and there and Scandinavia not far. And on a rectangular sail " a slavic pagan ornament ", and nose and carved forage at the ship from the Russian epos - " decorated on snake and on animal " bent! Behind a steering scull on a forage ours familiar - Snakes Gorynych drives directly in the vikings! And in the bottom of a wave similar to the horses.  

By word - fairy tale, instead of find! Not differently as bilizey (wizardwomen, witch, Shatanoj), that ahead in a boat sits and is composed. And carver on a stone for the Roman gold is ordered. The gift for centuries for inquisitive discendants was made!

Shatana from the Baltic coast! A thank to you for the help from yours have given in thousand years! Excuse, if what not so! 

About the heroes of the hunnus (hunnus-alanians, for accuracy). The heroes of the hunnus have fallen on a field of fight on Katalun to plain per 451 years. All subsequent events in the chronicle of the hunnus are stages of an agonia of their empire, split and deviation on initial boundaries in the country of the hunnus - in Podneprovia of steppe.

For a part of the hunnus these ways of deviation were impossible. Are available in view of discendants of the women of the alanians, left with the hunnus on west. And with wild native on a line of the hunnus by him(it) was not on a way. Alanian native, becoming enemies, would not give a shelter discendants of the гунно-alanians, as their ancestors have finished the tribe up to an extreme limit, behind which there was only not a life. The traces of tragedy till now are stored(kept) by(with) ancient Russian, epos and first annals!  

Therefore way to deviation from a hostile environment of Western and Central Europe remained only one - on deserted north of then Europe, on Baltic, in Scandinavia.  

Romantic beginning and bright continuation of a history of ethnic genesis of the hunnus-alanians we have considered on a stone from an island Gotland, down to flight on the nearest sea - Baltic by the decorated ships with bent by a nose and Kiel under rectangular sails similar to the ships of the Russian epos.

The heroes have fallen, whether but could they be buried with all honours according to alanian customs? Is not present and not under what circumstances! The shadow of ancestors constantly would reproach living. And anyone could tell, that the fallen heroes in other world starve on carelessness of discendants. A reproach for the alanians intolerable!

So in a district Vendel to north from Stockholm and nearby to Valsgarde became on an eternal anchor " present armada " - 29 richest burial places by the ships are found, which archaeologymen carry to VII - VIII to centuries - period which has received the name " Vendel of epoch. "  

Is characteristic, that the leaders and heroes by their ships with the weapon and all goods saw off in them last way by the easy river ships suitable for navigation on the rivers and only for separate sorties in the sea.

Is characteristic, that was not found of any human skeleton at a completely empty forage. You see the heroes of the hunnus lay in ground Katalun of plain. Hence, these Vendel and Valsgarde of a burial place obvious kenotafs. Therefore to search for skeletons of the heroes it is necessary under Orlean and Paris, but not under Stockholm!

The stone from Yelling      

The stone from Yelling     

From the hunnus to all Europe too has got till the first. On a stone of the dark blue Snakes has entangled and kills the next European king in an image leons. At that, not looking on a predatory kind, the head is obvious not lion's - is small very much! Language at unfortunate already has fallen out from an asthma and it(he) will receive a now finishing terrible sting in a neck, that supports the small silly head. Not without humour however groove, is obvious of the hunnus -alanians of the order. To transfer(translate) runic an inscription still!

Language borrowings of the German language with female mess. Descend(go) under the reference, if want to get acquainted with the modest beginning of a linguistic substantiation of a working hypothesis.

Thus, the working hypothesis of a history of an origin of the vikings permitting an old riddle, but putting forward   new by him(it) on change is offered.

About the ships of the vikings. 


  Page is developed...

  And the ladies under impression of clause write verses!

In protection Gorynych! Well and well...! - the discendants Were lived! 

The summary.

Under the primary sources, it turns out to the epos and finds of archaeologymen, that the ancestors of the vikings under a name of the hunnus European have replaced of the alanians in the chapter a lot of breeding alanian union. Having taken in the wife of the women of the alanians, they became the successors of skythian culture. The unexpected continuity of the hunnus of cultural tradition of the Skythians, people missed more than five centuries before described time, indirectly confirms the made assumption.

Использованная литература:

Викинги: набеги с севера. Энциклопедия исчезнувших цивилизаций. М., "Терра"- "Терра",1996

М.Семенова. Популярная энциклопедия. СПб., "Азбука"- "Терра", 1997 Л.Н. Гумилев. Хунну. Степная трилогия. "Тайм-аут-Компасс", СПб., 1993

Кавказ и Дон в произведениях античных авторов. В.Ф.Патракова, В.В. Черноус Ростов-на-Дону, "Русская энциклопедия", 1990

Антология семейного чтения. Сказки, легенды, предания. М., OLMA PRESS "СКС", 1991

Хрестоматия по древней русской литературе XI-XVII веков. М, "Учпедгиз", 1938

Ждановсий А.М. История племен Среднего Прикубанья во II в. до н.э.- III в. н.э. Автореф. дис. канд.ист.наук. М.,1985

Берлизов Н.Е. Ранние аланы Северного Кавказа (по материалам катакомбных погребений в. до н.э.- в. н.э. Автореф. дис. …канд.ист.наук. Л.,1990

Былины. Государственное издательство художественной литературы. М., 1955

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