Карта Птолемея. (Птолемей, Клавдий Птолемей). Локализация. Европейская и Азиатская Сарматия (бывшая Скифия)(продолжение 7)

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Ейск, Россия Амельченко В.М.

 Карта Птолемея. (Птолемей, Клавдий Птолемей). Локализация. Европейская и Азиатская Сарматия (бывшая Скифия)(продолжение 7) Приложение
By way of discussion
The maps of the Ptolemy "have started talking" !
The summary. Having applied the most obvious amendments to coordinates of maps of the Ptolemy, I have received quite satisfactory for the given region a geographical situation on a modern map. All finds are incorporated in a technique of transformation of maps. This technique is realized as the computer program, which provides complete automation of numerous and labour-consuming accounts and allows quickly to carry out(spend) computing experiments. Quickly and simply to receive the answers to questions of a type: " And that, if?
The maps of the Ptolemy used before unusual popularity, and were then forgotten by the geocolumns and are till now very poorly involved by the historians and archaeologyans. At the same time they are sated with the geographical, historical and ethnographic information, and that for us it is especially important - they have a mathematical basis.
The maps for the objective reasons are forgotten. As, for example, historian or archaeologyan to take advantage of maps of the European and Asian Sarmatae, even if from the first sight on them from height of knowledge of school geography obvious absurds at once are visible, that, certainly, frightens off the researcher.
Let's try to return maps of the Ptolemy in scientific uses, having reconstructed their shape on the basis of modern achievement of cartography, Maximum geodesy and computer engineering.
Technique of reconstruction.

First step of reconstruction.
In figure 4 on a background of a modern map of considered region the contours of a Pont Evxini (Black sea) and Meotida (Azov sea) with the next areas and large rivers in them proceeding are put. In figures the contours of the seas are represented by a dark blue line, channel of the rivers - black, inscription of mountains - black letters, peoples and cities - white.

All objects of a map of the Ptolemy are put according to their geographical coordinates from Antique geography [1] and map from work [5] with the amendment to a longitude for other initial meridian. The Ptolemy as initial used a meridian which is taking place through islands Canary, which are located in Atlantic to the west of the Greenwich meridian. The size of the amendment has made 27.04 degrees. She(it) was determined by comparison of a longitude Byzantium at the Ptolemy and modern for Istanbul.
The technique of drawing of items with the given geographical coordinates on a map is fulfilled according to the grant(manual) on cartography [2] with use of the given there settlement formulas and use given to a Maximum geodesy about the sizes and configuration of the Earth. The algorithms of transformation and display of objects of a map on the screen are made out as the computer program on Visual Basic.
What we see? Already habitual, passing from the book in the book, huge Meotida terminating under Ryazan, much greater on the size a contour of a Pont. Overestimated breadth is exclusively of all items...
The second step of reconstruction.
We lower Byzantium, and together with it(him) and all map up to breadth of Istanbul, taking into account overestimate, available at The Ptolemy, of breadth Byzantium. (Result in figure 5.) This overestimate in 1 degree 55 minutes, is included by(with) 1 degree 48.6 minutes for smaller radius of the Earth. Other difference 6.4 minutes we carry for not straightforwardness of a way from islands Родос up to Byzantium and presence of counter currents in straits.

Figure was improved, but still, contours of the seas of much large their outlines on a map both in "length", and in "width". In result under the sea it appear both Crimean, and Caucasian mountains, and Priasovskaja a height, and Donetsk krjag, and part Srednerusskoj of a height.
Applying the formulas published in previous clause with the help of the computer program we recalculate geographical coordinates for the greater size of the Earth, adhering to a modern map not a Byzantium (Istanbul), and Sinop, which is not in a corner, but in middle of the chosen fragment of a map (Fig. 6). Size the stage is accepted in 168.88 m.
Accuracy of transformations of coordinates and recalculations is controllable by drawing of black points in units of a coordinate grid of a map with a step in five degrees on breadth and on a longitude (the Right points do not coincide with slightly to units, this small error for exacter measurements should be taken into account(discounted) and is eliminated.)
As we see, our transformation has appeared simply magnificent. Combined by the middle (Sinop), the contours of a Pont of the Ptolemy were perfectly entered in a modern contour of the sea, cutting not deep places of the sea, where probably there was a dim part of coast to the left of an entrance in a Pont. As the rocky coast of a southern coast of a Pont and southern party of the Crimean peninsula are well depicted. The contour of a Pont of the Ptolemy was perfectly entered both on length, and on width
That especially has struck, so it is a Borisfen (on the Ptolemy). His(its) contour precisely has settled down in a valley modern Dnestr (!), and the right inflow, which on the Ptolemy followed from lake of a Amadoka, "was rested" against a valley between Kodry and Carpathians, prompting a presence(finding) of mysterious lake of a Amadoka. Now this valley between mountains is inherited by(with) the river a Prut.
The riddle of an isthmus at Tafr has cleared up. The contour of a Pont in this place has nestled on modern coast of the Crimean peninsula at Evpatoria, on which the circuit of salty lakes is located. Largest of them Sasik. To the north of him(it) the basis Tarhankutskij of a peninsula has a long lake Donuzlav. Remoteness of lakes from the sea about four kilometers, and flood up to fifteen. Thus, these circumstances quite could deceive the eyewitnesses of the Ptolemy about presence of an isthmus in five miles (seven kms), Meotida, sure obviously in the large sizes, with gulfs.
The mysterious river Kerkinit has terminated in a common gulf of Dnieper and Southern Bug, locating near to a modern coast city Navar.
The channel of the river Tira in the bottom current inherits Danube, and the delta of Istrs prompts, probably, shorter way of Danube to the sea in an antiquity.
However of absurdities too remained enough:
- Has decreased, but there was a large Meotida;
- The Pont has appeared little bit less on width (distance between capes Crimean and Sinop of a coast);
- Not on a place there were straits with "reper" by cities a Byzantium and Panticapeum (reper - mark marking item on ground, mark of binding of a geodetic network on district);
- Northern coast of east half of Pont has settled down on the Large Caucasus.
Small deviation.
"Length" ojkumena (Earth, known in his(its) time,) at the Ptolemy is overestimated, approximately, to one fifth, and the greatest mistakes are present at distances between items of the Mediterranean sea, for which the counter current - area to the east of Gibraltar is inherent. Breadth Byzantium was determined by account and also has appeared overestimated, though the initial item - Rodos precisely lays under 36 parallel. Breadth of Rodos at the Ptolemy and up to him(it), probably, was determined astronomically (meteoroskopistic on the Ptolemy).
What the conclusion arises with?
The Ptolemy in accounts of geographical coordinates of items did not take into account sea currents, which and were not always obvious to seafarers, though were used at travels, repeating on one route. In our case, in a Pont we have two large circular currents in western and in east parts of the sea (see fig. 7 from work Snisarenko). These currents (on supervision of the scientific studying sea) give about themselves to know already in half of kilometer from coast.
Parameters of a Pont, as reservoir, essentially have not changed (it it is impossible to tell about a Meotida). Therefore we have the right to assume similarity of conditions for existence of these currents and now, and in an antiquity. Therefore we admit, that the currents these influenced antiquities, slowly floating court, without dependence from a wind or course they moved. And because of them the distances calculated on time of passage of the ships on the sea without the account of influence these " of the sea rivers " were deformed.
It is important only to take into account: on current or against him(it) the navigation was carried out. To define(determine) in what measure the current of the rivers was taken into account by the Ptolemy, the additional research is necessary. That the sea currents by the Ptolemy were not taken into account - fact confirmed by three supervision of mistakes in definition of distances: - in the Mediterranean sea (is especial to east from Gibraltar), - on ways from Rodos to Byzantium, - and in a Pont.
The account of sea currents. In a fig. 7 these are shown two " the sea rivers " - two Black Sea whirlpools. Both they rotate counter-clockwise. Adjoin in the narrowest part of the sea, in middle, where the capes of the Crimean peninsula and southern coast of the sea, that at Sinop act.
It due to them the sea travels from Byzantium along a southern coast were carried out on current at first western, and then and east whirlpool.
The way from Byzantium to a mouth of a Borisfen and Olbia, and then to Hersoness was carried out against current therefore, probably, alternative way up to Sinop, and then through the sea up to Hersoness on current of western whirlpool was is more preferable.
From Hersoness to a Panticapeum the travel was complicated by counter currents at first western, and then of east whirlpool, and also currents, banks and reeves of a strait, as resulted in mistakes of the composers of maps. Is indicative, as the Ptolemy "has come" in a Meotida not through a Bosporus, that would be natural, and through an isthmus at Tafr. Probably conditions of navigation in a strait essentially complicated life both seafarers, and composers of maps!
Having imagined a Meotida by sea equal on the sizes to a Pont (the tradition is traced from Herodot), they and calculated a way overcome by the ships in northern direction, as on the wide and spacious sea. In result the small Meotida, which plan was known in details, grew similarly to a soap bubble up to the improbable sizes. And you see there was she(it) very small and served as though "funnel" for reception of waters of a deep Tanais (Don) both all other rivers and dump of water in a Pont through a Bosporus Cimmerian.
Thus, was to me only on 14 (on the average) of percents to increase enough speeds of navigation, that also Pont of the Ptolemy has settled down on a map in allocated to it(him) by a nature limits. (Fig. 8)

The criterion of correctness of the brought in amendments for sea currents was served by(with) coordinates so-called "«reper" of cities of an antiquity: Byzantium (Istanbul), Sinop, Amis (Samsun), Trapesund (Trabson), Hersoness (Sevastopol), Panticapeum (Kerch).
Painfully long not "lay down" on a modern map Dioskuriada and coast up to Syndic harbour, and also Bosporous a strait. While a guess once has not sparkled, that the Ptolemy uses the descriptions of travels, probably, against current of east whirlpool from Dioskuriada up to Trapesund, probably, far from coast. Therefore all distances have appeared are overestimated. The current was not taken into consideration also speed did not decrease, in summary at identical durations of navigation the large distances turned out, than actually overcome. The similar situation has turned out on a site from cape Krio Metapon up to a Nymphaeum. On this site, as for straits and "funnel" - Meotida, the speeds of currents had to set increased in three - five times exceeding usual 14 percents from speed of navigation of the ship on the sea without currents), that made up to 70 percents from speed of the ship in a limiting case for a Meotida.
So, having used the most obvious amendments to coordinates we have received a geographical situation, quite satisfying for the given region.
What amendments are used?
1) The amendments are brought in to a longitude and breadth ("reper" item - Byzantium (Istanbul)).
2) The recalculation for smaller radius of the Earth at the Ptolemy is executed.
3) The amendments for sea currents of a Pont and Meotida are brought in.

Binding ethnographic given of the Ptolemy on the reconstructed map (Fig. 9)

Additional finds.
The coordinates of turn and sources of a Tanais displaced on a map also, as well as two mouthes, have allowed to concretize a channel of an ancient Tanais (on the Ptolemy) - northern part of the Azov sea, Taganrog gulf, Bottom Don, Severskij Donec. This interpretation of the Ptolemy of a Tanais allows to determine a provisional site of the cities, adhered to it(him): Navarid in area of Azov city - Elizavetovskoe city-site, Exopol in area of a city-site legendary Helon on Manych.
The Olbia on the Ptolemy is to the south from modern Odessa.
The arrangement strongest and numerous (kind author) peoples jazigy and roksolan in at coast of a Meotida, and in a neighbourhood with them hunny, on a place Pridneprovski of sand, is filled with geographical definiteness of the item of information from the Russian epos, Gumileva the description of properties of cattle hunny, goty used to droughty steppes, with his(its) references to an origin hunny, described at Jordan. It about incident gotys of the king with Pridneprovski by witches, which it(he) has expelled in desert (Pridneprovski sand), where they and have met with " by dirty spirits " - hunny.
Somewhere on border from this ecological niche for cattle hunny it is necessary to search and Pochaj-river, to bathe in which mother forbade to a bogatyr of the Russian epos, under threat of inevitable fight with Zmeem Gorynychem. Can be in this search the geocolumns engaged Kiev Rus will help? I think, that Pochajna, on which regina Olga was going to test patience of the emperor of Byzantium, just as it(he) held her(it) in expectation on Court, with the Pochaj-river of the epos are not simply conformable.
Unsolved questions.
Recalculation of coordinates of the rivers (cities on the rivers) for change of a mouth on a coastal line.
Speed of trips on the rivers.
Coordinates of mountains both altars and peoples at them.

Список иллюстраций
Рисунок 1 Рассматриваемый регион на глобусе 2
Рисунок 2 К поправке за размер Земли 5
Рисунок 3 Перемещение Северного полюса вследствие процессии (направление оси вращения Земли на звездное небо). 6
Рисунок 4 Исходная карта Птолемея 9
Рисунок 5 Простое смещение всей карты к «реперному» городу (Византий-Стамбул) 10
Рисунок 6 С пересчетом на поправку за размер Земли 11
Рисунок 7 Карта морских течений Понта 13
Рисунок 8 С учетом размера Земли и морских течений 14
Рисунок 9 Локализация припонтийских народов 15
Рисунок 10 Экран управления демонстрационной компьютерной программой 18
Рисунок 11 Экран управления для обобщенной программы (Понт, Меотида, Кавказ, Гирканское море) 20
Рисунок 12 Пример останцев исчезнувших гор (Мангышлак, фото из журнала «Вокруг света») 23
Рисунок 13 Реконструкция карты Птолемея для Европейской и Азиатской Сарматии. Племена 26

Локализация карт Птолемея для Европейской и Азиатской Сарматии 2
Введение 2
Как "разговорить" карты Птолемея. 3
Возможные причины отличия координат карт Птолемея от современных. 4
Влияние размера Земли 5
Местоположение полюсов 5
Влияние нутации на положение полюса. 6
Эксперимент 6
Какие можно сделать промежуточные выводы? 7
Карты Птолемея "заговорили". 7
Методика реконструкции карт для Азово-Черноморского бассейна 9
Первый шаг реконструкции. 9
Второй шаг реконструкции. 10
Третий шаг реконструкции. 11
Небольшое отступление 12
Четвертый шаг реконструкции. Учет морских течений. 13
Привязка этнографических данных Птолемея на реконструированной карте 15
Компьютерный метод реконструкции карт Птолемея 16
Программа реконструкции карты Птолемея 17
Применение методики к реконструкции Азово-Черноморского бассейна, Каспийского бассейна и Кавказа 20
Локализация ворот (проходов) в горах и системы гор Большого Кавказа 20
Каспийские ворота 20
Небольшое практическое наблюдение. 21
Локализация рек бассейна северного и среднего Каспия и Вардана (Тереко-Кубани) 24
Локализация побережья Каспия 24
Локализация Волги и побережья Каспия во времена Птолемея. 24
Локализация городов и народов Азиатской Сарматии 26
Попытка привязки русских легенд (сказок) к современной карте на основе топонимики 27
Заключение 27
Список использованной литературы: 28
Приложение 28
The maps of the Ptolemy "have started talking" ! 28

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