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Colleague! If necessary you can order on e-mail the texts of the reports,
read on a conference.

D.A. Machinsky, V. T. Mousbakhova (SPb)The land of Aea, the island of Aeaea and the entrance to the Underworld in early Argonautics and in Odyssey in the light of evidences on Pontic region preserved by the ancient tradition.......... 4
D. A. Sheglov (SPb) The voyage of Aristeas of Proconnesus: the problem of dating....... 5
A. S. Rusaeva (Kiev) Aphroditae Urania - the patroness of Milesian-Pontic colonization........ 17
A. A. Zavojkin (Moscou) Bosporus: territorial state and polis....................................................... 22
E. A. Molev (Nijnii Novgorod) About the possibility of Persian protectorate over Bosporan kingdom..............................................................29
S. D. Krzshitsky, К. К. Marchenko (Kiev, SPb) On the question of the earliest building complexes of the North Pontic Greeks   ....................... 33
A. M. Butjagin (SPb)Dig-pits building at the Archaic Bosporus (genesis and development)................................................................................ 36
M. Ju. Vakhtina, Ju. A. Vinogradov (SPb) Once more about the early fortification of Bosporus Cimmerian........ 41
V. P. Tolstikov (Moscou)Archaeological discoveries at the Panticapeum acropolis and the problem of Bosporan-Scythian connections in бth-5 th cent. ВС......... 45
D. V. Juravliev, G. A. Lomtadze (Moscou) Pottery complexes of the early Panticapeum....................................... 57
S. R. Tokhtasiev (SPb) Once more about Syndic coins and Syndic kingdom........................... 63
Ja. M. Paromov (Moscou) Stratified houses of the Asiatic Bosporus............................................. 79
V. I. Katz (Saratov) On the question of the time of existence of Bosporan colony at Elizavetovskoe city-site................................................... 85
J. Fornasier (Berlin) Tanais in hellenistischer Zeit - Ein Bestandteil des Bosporanischen Reiches?.................................................................... 91 S.I.Bezuglov, I. V. Tolochko (Rostov-on-Don)  About the characteristic of cultural connections of Tanais.................... 96

V. N. Zinko (Kerch) Formation of the Nymphaeumpolis........................................................ 102
0. Ju. Sokolova (SPb) On the question of trade connections ofNymphaeum in the бth cent. ВС.... 105
S. N. Senatorov (SPb) Bronze arrow-heads from Nymphaeum. 1. According the materials of excavations of 1939-1941.................................. 108
5. M. Zinchenko (Moscou) The sewed plaques with the depictions of a stag from Nymphaeum necropolis (On the question of function peculiarities of one canonical image)....................................................................................... 115
D. E. Chistov (SPb)The system of artificial terraces at the southern slope of Nymphaeum plateau.................................................................... 123
D. S. Bounin (Vladimir)On the question of the chtonic elements in the cult of Aphroditae at Bosporus............................................................ 127
N. V. Moleva (Nijnii Novgorod) Sacred monuments of Bosporus in бth early 5th cent. ВС................... 131
N. P. Sorokina, N. I. Sudarev (Moscou)Objects, connected with cults and magic from the graves of Kepoi necropolis (6*-2"' cent. ВС.).......... 133
M. V. Rusaeva (Kiev) Artistic peculiarities of coins of Olbia and Panticapaeum in 6th -early 5111 cent. ВС..................................................... 139
A. P. Abramov, S. I. Boldirev (Moscou) "Treasures" of 1998 from Patraeus....................................................... 143
V. A. Khrshanovsky, 1. A. Tuipe (SPb) Hellenistic ritual complex at Kytion necropolis..................................... 146
L. I. Davidova (SPb)"Bosporan king" and the others in context of'Bosporan art"................... 154
P.A. Кrеuz (Кeoln) Aspects concerning the interpretation ofbosporan grave reliefs..............157
S. V. Kashaev, N. V. Kashovskaya (SPb) New Bosporan gravestones............. .....................................................164
V. L. Mitz, A. V. Lisenko, V. Ju. Jurochkin (Simpheropol) | Bosporan necropolis: some problems and perspectives of study.........174
0. V. Sharov (SPb) ' The silver plate from the grave with the golden mask in Kerch.........181
A. A. Trufanov, S. G. Koltukhov (Simpheropol)Burial ground of 3rd - 4th cent. AD near the village Kurskoe
on the Western periphery of Bosporus.............................................................................186


A. 0. Dobroljubski (Odessa) On the ethnic component of population of Greek cities of the Black Sea coastal region (according the gray-clay pottery).....................................................................................3
Ju. V. Otkupschikov (SPb) About the ethnic belonging of the crooked buries of the Bkack Sea coastal region.......................................6
A. V. Bandurovsky (Kiev) On the question of trade connections between the barbarian tribes of Dnepro-Donetz region and Classical cities of the Northen Black Sea coastal littoral in the 7tl^-61f^ cent. ВС.....................................................................................................14
V. V. Nazarov (Kiev) On the townbuilding of Archaic Bory-sthenes.................................................................................................................... 17
V. V. Krapivina, A. V. Bujskikh (Kiev) New East-Greek pottery finds from Olbia.............................................................................................21
Ju. I. Kozub (Kiev) Ritual complex in the Western environs of Olbia.................................................................................................................... 29
I. A. Kostjuk (Kiev) On the peculiarities of restoration of the red-fugure pelika from Olbia..........................................................................35
V. A. Papanova (Berdichev) Burrial buildings of rare construction of Olbian necropolis.............................................................................36
М. V. Skrzshinskaya (Kiev) Chronology calculation at Bosporus and in Olbia.................................................................................................40
A. S. Rusjaeva, A. Odrin (Kiev) Milesian trade and cultural valuables at the Black Sea coastal region in the 6th cent. ВС........................44
Т. М. Т. М. Kutinova, V. 1. Katz (Saratov) The early periods of amphorae stamping on the island of Thasos.......................................................... 50
S. Ju. Monakhov (Saratov) Mendian imports at the Black Sea coastal region in 5"'-4th cent. ВС.................................................................57
М. I. М. I. Zolotarjev (Sevastopol) Once more about the events on the occasion ofTheodosia in early 4th cent. ВС...........................................65
Е. Е. Ja. Rogov (SPb) About the centre of production of Theo-dosian and Chersonessos ear-rings of luxurious style....................................66
Т. N. Smekalova (SPb) Composition of alloy of Chersonessos coins belonged to the period of Pontic influence (about c. 110-63 BC).......73
R. V. Stojanov (Kiev) Interrelations between Bosporus and Chersonessos according the data of Chersonessos necropolis of the Hellenistic period............................................. ......85
S. B. Lanzov (Simpheropol) Bosporan bronzes from the Chersonessos sanctury of Sakianspit.............................................89
V. L. Mitz, A. V. Lisenko (Simpheropol) Late Classical sanctury Taraktash in Crimea....................................................96

D. A. Machinsky (SPb) The "Axis of World History" by K. Jaspers and the religious life of the steppe Scythia in 9th - 7th cent. ВС...........101
М. Ju. М. Ju. Vakhtina (SPb) On the North-Ionian elements in the de-pictive system of the overlay of silver Kelermes mirror...............................108
/, Ju. Shaub (SPb) The image of ram in the religion of Scythia and Bosporus (according the objects of fine arts)..........................................113
V. R. Eriikh (Moscou) Sanctuaries in the Maeotian culture ofTrans Kuban (on the statement of the question).......................................115
/. V. Xenofontova (Moscou) Classical imports from Uljap sanctuaries...............................................................119
Ju. A. Vmogradov (SPb) Two Scythiae and the Royal Scythians........124
Е. V. Vlasova (SPb) Seven Brothers barrows......................................... 127
S. V. Kuznetzov (Moscou) Classical helmets in the barrows of Scythian military aristocracy.........................................................................132
A. Ju. Alexeev (SPb) Who was burried in Chertomlik and when was he burried?...............137
Т. М. Kuznefzova (Moscou) Historical figures and Scythian barrows.........
A. V. Shijanova (Kiev) The restoration of Classical amphorae from the Big Rijanovsky barrow..........................150
/. /. Marchenko, N. Ju. Limberis (Krasnodar) Imported and local pottery from the graves of the new Maeotaean burial ground in Kuban district......................................................................................... 153
V. A. Livshitz (SPb) On the date of the inscriptions on the silver vessels from Barrow 1 near village Prokhorovka..................................160
V. Ju. Zuev (SPb) On the elaboration of chronology of Sarmatian antiquities of 2nd-1я cent. ВС...................................................................171
V. 1. Mordvinlseva, E. V. Perevodchikova (Simpheropol, Moscou) On some Old Thracian artistic features of the phalarae
from the Black Sea coastal region of 2nd -1я cent. ВС....................................185
L. Barudkina (SPb) Sarmatian tamga from the burial ground at Piatigor'e and its analogies on the adornment objects
of 1" cent. ВС-1s'cent. AD..............................................................................187
A. V. Simonenko (Kiev) On the date and center of produktion of
Classical Jewelry from the Sarmatian burials of 1я - early IInd cent. AD...... 190
V. P. Glebov (Rostov-on-Don) The Sarmatians and Bosporus
at the turn of the eare..........................................................................................194
A. K. Nefedkin (SPb) Recruitment and structure of the Sarmatian and Alanian army in 1" - 4th cent. A.D. according the evidences
of written sources...............................................................................................201
A. E. Puzdrovsky (Simpheropol) Roman-Bosporan war and etno-political situation in Crimean Scythia in the mid. 1st cent. AD.............212
V. A. Goroncharovsky (SPb) Bosporan cavallery in the times of the war between Mithridates VIII and Rome in c. 45-^9 ВС...................217
S. A. Jatzenko, B. A. Raev (Moscou, Krasnodar) Plates with accumulations of Sarmatian signs from Tanais in the collection of Novocherkassk Museum...................................................................................222

A. V. Podosinov (Moscou) Crimea and Kerch strait in Classical cartography........................................................................................................231
N. N. Bolgov (Belgorod) Territorial and economic microzones at Bosporus (descriptive survey)..........................................................................235
A. A. Nikonov (Moscou) On the location and disappearence of Classical townes Pirra and Antissa at Bosporus.......................................241
G. P. Garbuzov, K. Mbiler, Ju. V. Gorlov (Moscou, Paris) The using of geological-information technologies in the Taman regional archaeological project........................................................................246
S. L. Smekalov (SPb) Measuring of coordinates of archaeological monuments made by GPS in 2000......................................................249
V. M. Amelchenko (Eisk) The past, the present and the future of Azov sea........................................................................................................ .252
A. V. Kutajsov (Simpheropol) About the crop capacity of the main bread grains at the Northern Black Sea coastal region............255
N. A. Gavriljuk, V. N. Grischenko, E. D. Jablonovskaya-Grisch-enko (Kiev) Omitophauna in Scythian toreutic...............................................260
A. K. Kasparov (SPb) Fauna remains at Belinskoe settlement in the Eastern Crimea..........................................................................................266
A. V. Panteleev (SPb) The burds bones of Sula bassana finds in the Crimea................................................................................................274
Ju. Ju. Shevchenko (SPb) The types of Christian underground constructions of Euro-Asia...............................................................................275

/. V. Tunkina (SPb) About history of barrows excavation by N. Yu. Patinioti near Kerch in 1821..................................................................... 279
L M. Lazenkova (Kerch) Kerch Museum of Antiquities. The investigators. "Honourable" archaeologist A. E. Ljutzenko........................287
L. S. Iljukov, I. V. Tolochko (Rostov-on-Don) Tanais sepul-chere of 1908 (the find by A.Smichkov)...........................................................293
A. N. Vasiliev (SPb) On the question of intermittence of Bosporanhistoriography    ......................................................................................297
0. S. Bondarev (Krasnodar) Historiography of the materials on the Bosporan economy of 6th-2"1 cent. ВС...............................................305
В. Katerini (Roma) Ranuccio Bianki Bandinelli and Russians archaeology...........................................................................................................307

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